Tuesday, October 30, 2007

TI Day 2007 (22nd October, 2007)


Word of the Day : REJOICE

Ivan Fong
Jessy Mak
Lee Chor Wah
Maureen Ong Swee Kin
Michelle Ong Swee Jin
Muhendaran Suppiah
Sham Sunder Lakhiani
Shanmugam Ganesan
Wan Siew Onn

Bill Sim
* Lakhmichand, M.A.
* Rema Paul

* They are members of both Clubs!

Div W & Guests
Azmi Shahrin (DVG)
Azizah (MELAKA)
Delbir Singh (DEL)
Dr Devi Menon (SAI)
Kwong Chee Seong AGP4)
Lim Yeong Chuan (EXTOL)
Raja Ahmad Muzamir (KPMG)
Satchit A K (KPMG)
Shane (SUNWAY)

SAA - Muhendaran
TME - Lakhmichand, M.A.
Invocation - Satchit A K
General Evaluator - Azmi Shahrin
Ah Counter - Raja Ahmad Muzamir
Grammarian - Kwong Chee Seong
Timer - Shane

22nd October, 2007 – it was a special day – Toastmasters International Day!

BANGSAR & KL ADVANCED TM Clubs celebrated the occasion with the support of Div W Council!

The evening was CHARGED with anticipation of fun. Muhendaran, ATMG, led the meeting with reading of the Toastmasters Promise. VPE, Shanmugam, CTM, on behalf of BANGSAR TM Club President, Ranjit Singh, ATMB, welcomed the attendees & surrendered the lectern to the TME, Lucky.

Immediately after the introduction of guests / Toastmasters, Satchit A.K. of KPMG, CC, made a TOAST to Toastmasters International, a befitting gesture. The presentation was part of Invocation as well as his FIRST advanced speech.

The table topics session was replaced with testing of skills! Bill Sim, ATMG, of KL Advanced, demonstrated his skills at instructing via the telephone (assumed). Following his instructions was Jessy of BANGSAR TM Club. She successfully tied the knot of her neck-tie! It was her FIRST experience!

Part of the FUN was also to test HOW FAST can one tie the Windsor Knot. Delbir Singh, Lee Chor Wah & Wan Siew Onn were the Top Three.

Maureen from BANGSAR delighted everyone with "From Lawyer To Therapist", her CL project #6. Veteran, Rema Paul, ATMS, delivered "Loving & Being Loved", a poem, as her project #2 from the Interpretive Reading Manual.

Before the general evaluation session, DVG(W) Azmi Shahrin, DTM, helped to complete the celebrations by cutting the cake.

The evaluators, Ivan Fong, Renganathan & Chandran gave their evaluations with their usual ‘honesty’. So did the grammarian, ah counter and the timer. In spite of the fun-atmosphere, everyone was very alert and executed the roles with enthusiasm and flair.

GE, Azmi Shahrin was full of praise for the function. He took advantage of his presence, and awarded a Soaring Eagle Gold Pin to VPM (BANGSAR), Sham Sunder for BANGSAR having increased the membership by 5 members.

All speech evaluators & participants in the tests of skills were presented with Ties, while the GE & the speakers were presented with other tokens of appreciation.

Ties / tokens were contribution of BANGSAR Charter Member, Baiju.

It was a fun-filled evening and certainly worth attending.

VPE, Lakhmichand, ATMB , on behalf KL ADVANCED TM Club President, Rohijas Md Sharif, ATMS, thanked the DVG, role-players and attendees for making it a lovely evening.

by Lucky

Monday, October 29, 2007

Div W Contests Results...

Humorous Speech Contest
Name Area
Kim Chow W6
1st Runner-up
Raja Ahmad Muzamir W1
2nd Runner-up
David Jackson W4

Evaluation Contest
Name Area
Chew Khong Meng W6
1st Runner-up
John Lee W2
2nd Runner-up
David Ann W4

Contest Chair: Bill Sim, ACG

Happy Halloween!

31st Oct 2007

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Happy 83rd TI Day!


To mark / celebrate 83 years of Toastmasters, on TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL DAY on Monday, 22nd October 2007, BANGSAR / KLADVANCED / DIV W will have a joint meeting at BANGSAR TM Club.

The evening’s program includes:

A TOAST by Satchit, CC (KPMG),
“Down Memory Lane” (83 years of Toastmasters) by Rohijas, ATMS, (KLADV),
“From Lawyer to Therapist” by Maureen (BANGSAR)
"Humorously Speaking" by Rema Paul, ATMB (BANGSAR/KLADV).

Test your skills at Giving/Receiving Instructions!

How fast are you at...? Attend and find out!

6.45 – 7.30 pm: Socialize/Refreshments
7.30 – 9.50 pm: Speeches/Fun/Evaluations.

Door Fees RM10

For more details, please contact Lucky

See you all there

Saturday, October 20, 2007


(reprinted from TIPS, Toastmasters International Jan/Feb 1997)

A successful Toastmasters club is much like a successful business: The members are the customers, and the club should strive to provide excellent customer service along with the superior product it provides. What is the club's product? It's the club meeting – where members develop their communication and leadership skills. Poorly run club meetings mean members do not receive the quality product they expect. The result can be unhappy customers who decide to find a better product elsewhere. Find out if your club is providing good customer service and a quality product with this checklist for a great club:

1. Meetings start and end on time.
2. Participants are considerate of others; they know everyone's time is too valuable to waste.
3. All participants are prepared.
4. The meeting flows smoothly. There are no awkward transitions between segments and no gaps or lags in the program. The meeting is fast-paced, never slow or boring. Time limits are established and followed for each meeting segment.
5. Scheduled speakers give manual speeches. All members are working in the basic or advanced Communication and Leadership Program manuals and are presenting manual speeches. They know that by giving non-manual speeches, they are depriving other members of the opportunity to achieve their goals. Members also should avoid giving "stoplight" speeches - speeches prepared while driving to the meeting.
6. Recognition is given when the members earn it. Club awards are given only to those who serve them. Members apply for education awards only when they have fulfilled all requirements. Members conduct and register Success/Leadership and Success/Communication programs according to the guidelines provided by World Headquarters.
7. Everyone is involved. All members actively participate in the meeting. Each member is encouraged to improve and achieve.
8. Evaluations are meaningful, not "whitewashed." Every evaluator offers specific suggestions for improvement and gives positive comments.
9. Members are enthusiastic and proud of their club.
10. Club officers are trained in their roles and fulfill their responsibilities. Officers are dedicated and genuinely concerned about the well being of the club and its members.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Area Contests Champs...

W1 Humorous

W1 Evaluation

W2 Contestants

W2 Humorous

W1 Evaluation



Friday, October 12, 2007


Wishing All Muslim Toastmasters Everywhere...

Eid Mubarak!

Selamat Hari Raya!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Area Contests Results...

Humorous Speech Contestants

Area W1 - Raja Ahmad Muzamir
Area W2 - Ashrel Goh
Area W3 - Alfred Koh
Area W4 - David Jackson
Area W5 - Tan Heng Pang
Area W6 - Kim Chow

Evaluation Contestants

Area W1 - Ranjit Singh
Area W2 - John Lee
Area W3 - Anna Hue
Area W4 - David Ann
Area W5 - Isabel Kum
Area W6 - Stephen Francis Muthoo