The High Performance Leadership Program (HPL) is a program a Toastmaster needs to complete in order to earn an Advanced Leader Silver award. Kuala Lumpur Advanced Toastmasters Club hosted this January to June 2008 HPL in line with the club's intention to help its members and other Toastmasters become Distinguished Toastmasters.
Fisrt Session: 18th Jan 2008

The first session began at 7.50 pm after a sumptuous boxed dinner, so sumptuous some had second helpings, so boxed some took the boxes home :-)
40 Toastmasters from as far as Melaka turned up (so far I can't even frame her in this picture).

Oh by the way, the facilitator is Division W Governor, DTM Azmi Shahrin. I wonder what he takes to sustain his high energy level and voice volume for almost 2 hours ...
Look at his hand gestures; so fluid and dynamic (and leader-like) my camera managed a blur. Rest assured he was not shaking his right hand vulgarly (we were in a Toastmasters session ...)

Look at the concentration!
"Now listen up ... this program will make you better leaders in 6 months. Either that or it will make you grow tired of me in 6 months he he he ..."

Overheard: "... darn it, I didn't know I need to take a quiz to become a leader. Oh what the heck, it's just a quiz. Darn again, I need to add and divide some numbers too ... 1 + 1 is 2; now what is 2 divided by 2?"

A participant trying to plot a radar chart of her "before" service leadership dimensions score. The "after" score will be plotted at the end of this program in June 2008. The idea is ... the score should improve.
Do you know service leadership has 6 dimensions? Of course you do ...
by Rohijas Md Sharif